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‘Gandhism benefits the moral and social ontology of a person’

Aligarh: The Department of Philosophy at Aligarh Muslim University organized an online lecture by Prof. Siby K George, Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay on “Gandhi’s autobiographical social programme”.

Prof George said that the Gandhian political ethic of frugality and equality resonates well with contemporary ecological and socio-political critique. “The Gandhian ethics has potential for understanding and stimulating social action, leading to social change. The careful scrutiny of Gandhi’s life and writings unambiguously reveals a strong conception of moral individualism, with an autobiographical and self-referential angle as the underlying moral ontology of the Gandhian ideal of the ascetic, moral citizen-subject”, he added.

Referring to the writings and the social programme of Gandhi, Prof George argued that as a prism for analysing, understanding and galvanizing social change, the autobiographical, self-referential rationale of moral individualism is inadequate. He concluded by saying that Gandhism as an alive social programme will benefit from a more robust moral and social ontology of the person.

The program started with a welcome address by Dr. Aquil Ahmad, Chairperson, Department of Philosophy. He put forward the significance of Gandhi and the multidimensional engagement of academia with Gandhian thought.

Dr Aamir Riyaz delivered the concluding remarks by highlighting the need to revisit Gandhian thoughts and ideas.

Zaid Ahmad Siddiqui proposed the vote of thanks, while Dr. Shahidul Hoque conducted the programme.

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